Best Girls
Weekend Ever

While every camp is a little different, the routine is mainly the same.



The fun begins right away! Check in with your counselors and be directed to your lodging assignment. Drop off your shit and get to relaxing, eating and enjoying yourself!

After dinner, gather for your first camp meeting, Camp 101! After that we go directly into the best Flip Cup tournament you’ve ever been in. After a winner is declared and points have been recorded, it’s time to dance the night away!




We start the mornings with breakfast, hangover yoga and mimosas! After your morning meeting, we slide into slow paced crafts and activities.

After lunch, it kicks into a higher gear with your Rainbow Race activities. These vary from year to year, but have included musical chairs, tug of war, tipsy waiter and Cheetos toss. All ending in an all out ridiculous relay!

Then we wind down a little, or not, while getting ready for the Saturday night event! This could be a talent/variety show, or an all out Lip Sync battle.

Once we’ve laughed our butts off, given out awards and applauded all the brave bitches on the stage, it’s time to once again dance the night away.




We crawl out of bed to grab some breakfast, pack and things and GTFOH. It’s a great time to say goodbye to your new camp friends and make plans for next year!